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Introducing March’s Carer of the Month

At Novus Care we always strive to provide the highest quality care and we very often hear about inspirational individuals and teams who have gone above the call of duty to deliver that care. The difference our Carers make to the lives of our clients deserves recognition and one way that we do this is through our carer of the month program. It’s a wonderful opportunity to thank you and to encourage each and every one of our members of staff to reach their full potential so that together we can achieve the very best care possible.

We are very proud of all our staff and in March we are delighted to announce the following individuals have been awarded our carers of the month;


Congratulations Sabihah

Sabihah was both nominated and won Watford’s carer of the month for her impeccable time keeping. We had no alerts come through for her for March. She is very punctual. She had issues surrounding transport a few weeks after starting and did not let this stop her from working her shifts. She found a way to work around this. Her care note taking is amazing and we have received many compliments from both staff and clients. We are proud of the work she has carried out in the short time she has been here. Well done, Sabihah!





Congratulations Alex

Alex has won Canvey’s Carers of the month as although she has been with Novus care since last December, she has remained consistent in the quality standard of care she has delivered. Alex always records factual, detailed care notes and you can gather a good understanding on what has happened through the visit. On recent observations of care Alex has followed her training, remained professional and has fantastic working relationships with her clients and other staff. We are excited to see what the future holds for Alex with Novus care, thank you and well done. Alex said: “I am very surprised, but very pleased. Thank you!”




Congratulations Elena
Elena is our live in carer of the month as she is a very hard worker and an asset to the live in carer team. Elena provides very detailed visit notes and always logs in and out of her app and if she isn’t able to then she straight away contacts the office and sends detailed emails with all her information on there. Elena goes above and beyond for her client and her client and his family are always very happy with her. Elena is always very polite to office staff and is very good at raising her concerns and incidents to us.

Elena is very thorough in her role and keeps on top of all her duties. Elena is brilliant at communicating. Elena was over the moon when she received carer of the month and asked why she was awarded this as she feels she is only doing her job. We expressed to Elena how well she does her job and told her all the reasons why she was awarded this.



Congratulations Mariya

Mariya was nominated by Amy and agreed by all that Mariya should win Cranleigh’s Carer of the month. Mariya has shown such dedication to her clients. Mariya played a vital part in a recent review with social services, she supported her client to communicate and provided support to her to enable her to express her wishes and needs.

She has worked so hard over the years with her client to build her confidence and access the community, she now is able to attend a weekly Yoga class.




Congratulations Martin
Martin has been awarded Godalming’s Carer of the month as he has completed very detailed care notes, stating what he has supported his client with and his interactions with his clients. His communication to the office with concerns is excellent. Martin is very conscious when recording the support, he provides to his clients when it comes to their medication. He leaves clear notes as to what support given, assisted, prompted or administered. He follows all policies and procedures and if he is unsure, he contacts the office for advise and guidance, which he then records what he has done in the notes.





Congratulations Vicky
We as a team have decided to nominate our carer Vicky as Wickford’s carer of the month. She has reached all the targets that were set by us in the office on the last memo. Vicky has gone above and beyond for our clients, by doing simple things like spending the full time with our clients, to going out of her way to make our clients happy such as collecting fish and chips for our clients. Vicky has got very in detailed care notes, always looks well-presented when carrying out care. Vicky is always hard working and picking up extra care where she can. Recently when the supervisors have been completing reviews with clients and their families, they have all been very complimentary about how much of a harder worker Vicky is, how caring she is and how much empathy she has towards her clients. Vicky is always smiling and happy and a very hard worker when she is out on care. Thank you Vicky for all your hard work

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