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Client Satisfaction Survey Results 2024

To uphold the utmost standards of safe, quality care in the home, we conduct quality assurance surveys and invite all our clients to participate and complete a client satisfaction survey so we can identify areas where we can improve our services. All responses are handled with the utmost confidentiality.

The survey for January 2024 has been distributed to all our clients receiving home care services from Novus Care. The results tell a very positive story of our home care service and can be viewed below:

Client Satisfaction Survey Results Jan 2024

There are five key questions the Care Quality Commission asks of all home care services which we have used for this survey which are as follows and are an integral part of our aims and objectives to ensure we are continually providing high quality care in the home.

  • Are they effective?
  • Are they caring?
  • Are they responsive to people’s needs?
  • Are they well-led?

In the coming months, we will craft action plans based on client’s feedback and the survey findings. These plans will undergo regular review to ensure continuous improvement as we are dedicated to refining and enhancing our quality assurance systems to deliver home care services of the highest standard.

Client Satisfaction Survey Results Jan 2024



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